幻响神州(北京)科技有限公司是一家以“幻响”生活方式为己任的合资企业。公司自主核心技术——超磁晶体,已获得国际专利。超磁晶体有一神奇特性:驱动任何平面共振发声,如桌面、玻璃、金属面、石面等都可作为共振发声介质,并可穿透介质,使介质内外都可发声。只要有音源输入,便可随时随地欣赏音乐,享受高品质音乐生活。此材料在变磁物中具有伸缩性,且伸缩率在所有已知材料中最为显著,是普通磁性材料的几十倍,同时具有防水、防腐蚀及节能环保的特性。 为了让全球热爱音乐的时尚人士共享全新的音乐生活,公司经过数年苦心研究,终于研制成基于公司核心技术的全新数码音频产品——i-mu (I Love Music 的缩写),中文名“幻响”。 i-mu系列产品由国际顶级设计师设计,其时尚、便携、魔幻的特点将远远超越现有的音频产品。我们宣言第一代产品“让桌子会唱歌”,将是对现有试听产品的全面变革。稍后我们将在第一代产品基础上推出更加时尚、便携的第二代,第三代产品……。我们承诺i-mu(幻响)系列产品将为您的生活增添一抹绚丽的色彩。 Enjoy Music Enjoy life I-MU Technology Co., Ltd. is dedicating to the hi-tech super-energy crystal material products’ research, production and global promotion. The company owned the independent patent property, and has obtained the international patent. There is magic characteristic of I-MU: no need speaker. It may empower any plane surface such as wooden table, glass, metal and rock etc. to send out music if there is music input. Besides, I-MU can be applied to many kinds of fields like the table lamp, the decorating paintings, underwater sound-driver, household electric appliances and office supplies. The technology also can be made into mini- speaker which is installed in the earphone, MP3, mobile phone and the notebook PC and so on. I-MU will substitute the traditional electromagnetic coil speaker, it will influence the traditional way of sound production way.I-MU Technology Co., Ltd cooperated with many large-scale enterprises, such as HP, Fujitsu, ABB, China Merchants Bank, SAAB and so on. Through communication and purchase, I-MU obtained each companys trust and high praise. Because I-MU can be applied to many widespread scopes, it gets the attention from the peripheral trades, and at the same time, it has increased our company’s developing channel.