博智家具厂是一家专业生产沙发系列的厂家,本厂拥有众多的专业人才,产品采用上等的原材料,以专业的技术和严格的管理,确保质量上乘,款式新颖。坚持以“品质优良,服务社会”为宗旨。产品深受同行及广大客户的信赖;远销东南亚、欧美、中东及国内地区。赢得了海内外客户的赞誉与肯定。 一直以来,博智家具人以远见卓识的慧眼和破釜沉舟的勇气,抓住机会迎接挑战,继续秉承“以质量求生存,以创新求发展”的企业方针全力打造品质优良的品牌形象,志在为客户提供最优质的产品、最满意的服务。 继往开来,与时俱进,博智家具人愿真诚与社会各界携手前进,再创辉煌。
BOZHI furniture factory is a classical fabric sofa, we have a batch of professionals experienced in designing and producing first-class raw material in adoption in product, with pr-ofessional technique with strictly of management, insure the quantity best, the style is. Insist with good quality, serve society is an aem, the product is deep to suffer the counting on that go together and large customet; our products pay more ottention to human body engineering for design conception, leod to international fo shion, vogue design, strict select material, exquisite arts and crafts. The product achieve good reputation from customer and exported all over the world… Always since then, with foresight, sagacity and extreme courage, the BOZHI people have resolutely grasped this invaluable opportunity and gravey accepted this rigid challenge, and continue to adhere to enterprise policy of relying on quality and innovation to exist and devlop with the purpose of building an excellent brand image, and ain at providing the public customers with the dest products and the mostsatis factory services. Carrying forward the cause forge ahead into the future and going with stream of the times. The BOZHI people sincerely hope to join hands with all circles of the society to recreated bright future.