东莞市美润建筑材料有限公司是一家专业从事环氧地坪、金刚砂耐磨地坪密封固化剂地坪工程设计、施工、销售及技术咨询服务的高新企业。美润客户遍及国内大部分省市,以“高品质、高质量的服务”受到广泛好评。我们将继续遵循“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的经营理念,一如既往为广大新老客户服务。Dong Guan Mei Run Architecture Materials Co.,Ltd. is a professional high technology enterprise that it specializes in dustproof, endurance, corruption ,static floor engineering design, construction and technology inquire. Mei Run company has great customer sources from all over of China, it was well known for the “High Quality Product and High Quality Service.” We will continue to comply with our business management policy “ To survive because of quality ,to develop because of reputation ” .We trust our service will be true to from to all of our and new customers.