鸿钧工艺木业有限公司成立于2003年,位于江西省南昌市安义县城.南昌市打造半小时经济圈辐射安义,50公里的南安一级公路直达省城;本地木材资源丰富,交通运输方便,距昌北国际机场40公里;京九,浙赣路,105,320国道;南昌港集装箱码头,都给您带来便利的交通与商机. 我公司是一家聚生产,贸易为一体的外贸型企业.主要产品经营木制工艺品,园艺产品,宠物屋,笼及其他户外竹木制品,产品具有防腐蚀性,防虫蛀等效果.产品质量上乘,价格合理,交货及时,款式规格也可根据客户的要求生产,能按时,按质,按量完成订单.自投产以来,企业本着质量第一、顾客至上的宗旨,不断扩展了企业的业务量.多年来一直承接外贸订单,凭着过硬的质量,合理的价格和良好的服务,产品已立足美国、德国、英国、法国、意大利、澳大利亚、韩国等多个国家,深受用户青睐。所以,我们一直把“优质的产品、合理的价格、完善的售后”作为我们的企业经营理念。公司具有较先进的木工机械设备和实力雄厚的技术力量,并且奉行"严质量,重服务,守信用"经营宗旨.我们真诚地同海内外各界人士友好合作和加强贸易往来.欢迎广大客户前来工厂考察商洽,共图发展,共创辉煌业绩. HongJun Craft Wood Industry CO. LTD is located in AnYi, 30km away from NanChang (the capital of JiangXi province), The local resource of timer is abundant, and the traffic is very convenient. There is only 30km feom our factory to ChangBei international airport. Jing-Jiu and Zhe-Gan railway, 105 and 320 national highway and NanChang container dock are benefits for the teaffic and business opportunities. We have specialty engage the manufacture process of bamboo handicraft of enterprise. The mostly products: Garden Product, Pet house, wooden fence, and other wood handicraft for outdoor. The product is corrosion protection and vermin proof. With the advanced technology, our company owns the most advanced wooden processing machines in China, so that we can deliver the goods with best quantity on time.