广州市睿祥森电子科技有限公司是一家以汽车倒车安全系统、HID及LED照明系统等电子产品市场营销为主导,以研发创新为基础,以管理策划辅导和培养专业OEM工厂的一体化链式公司。公司自2004始,专注于汽车倒车雷达、HID照明等消费型电子产品方案的开发设计和企业管理策划与咨询。公司所研发设计的产品远销欧美发达国家和东欧、中东、东南亚、南美等发展中国家。在公司全体同仁的共同努力下,公司缔造了一支专业、创新、敬业、高效的高素质研发团队和管理团队,创立了分工协作战略合作伙伴的专业OEM工厂,构建了产品创新力、品质保证力和服务细致力的现代经营平台。 公司经营理念:以高性价比的产品和服务,为客户创造价值,实现客户与公司共同持续发展的双赢战略。 公司管理理念:创新,高效,专业,协作,服务。 公司管理策略:创新型专业技术研发团队;效率型现代系统管理团队;细致型客户服务团队。 Profile Rui Xiang Sen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is a company specialized in auto products , such as Parking Sensors, HID, LED Lamps and so on. From 2004 to now, we focus on researching and designing electronic products, business management, planning and consultation. Our designed products has sold all over the world, especially in East Europe, Middle East, South America and Southeast Asia. Under the effort of all staffs, we established a special, creative, dedicated and efficient research&management teamwork. Providing high-quality products and service for our customers. The managing philosophy of our company is innovation, efficiency, cooperation and good service. Equality and mutual benefit is the basic principle of our trade.