上海思南橡胶机械有限公司系生产橡胶机械、塑料机械的专业骨干企业,为“中国化工装备协会”常务理事、“橡胶机械专业委员会”副主任委员单位。 集数十年的研究与制造实践,竭诚为用户提供良好的橡胶机械、塑料机械、轮胎机械设备和生产流水线,并可根据用户的要求设计、制造非标设备。 本公司的产品畅销全国各地和亚、非、拉等地区,在橡胶、塑料行业享有盛誉。 Shanghai SINAN Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd as the standing director of China chemical industrial equipment association (CCIEA) and the deputy director commissary of Rubber machine specialty committee is a specialty backbone corporation in producing rubber machinery and plastic machinery. With the research and producing practice in previous several decades, we will produce the high- quality equipment and assembly line of rubber/ plastic/ tyre machinery to our client with all our heart. We also can design and produce non-standard equipment basing on the requirement of our clients. Our production takes high reputation in rubber/ plastic industry and is best sold everywhere of China as well as in the region of Asia/ Africa/ Latin America.