北京万成远行化工产品有限公司位于北京市中关村科技园区,是一家专业供应化学试剂,生物试剂,医药原料,实验耗材,玻璃器皿,仪器设备的连锁化工企业。 “以质量求生存,以服务谋发展”是万成远行的立业之本,公司从实际出发,换位思考,通过多年来与供应商建立的良好合作关系从源头上保证产品质量,以市场为导向,灵活调整公司的经营方式,为客户提供优质的服务,让客户满意是我们永远的追求。 公司向市场提供的化工产品达千余种,主要分为国产与进口两大块,货源充足,能最大的限度让客户缩短中间环节,一站式采购。为了更好的满足客户需求,公司在提供试剂产品同时,还供应相关工业级别化工产品,化工原料,我们相信您的需要就是我们的选择,您的选择就是我们的荣幸。 北京万成远行化工产品有限公司全体员工期待市场对产品作出检测,客户对服务作出评价,我们将携手社会各界同仁,一起开拓我们美好的未来。 is located in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park, is a professional supply of chemical reagents, biological reagents, pharmaceutical raw materials, laboratory supplies, glassware, instruments and equipment chain chemical enterprises. The "quality of survival, service and development" is the voyage of the career of this, the company from the reality, of empathy, through the years with suppliers to establish good relations and cooperation from the source to ensure product quality, market - oriented, flexible adjustment of the companys mode of operation, providing customers with quality service, so that customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit.