实体店位于浙江 义乌市 国际商贸城H区二楼联接体23543商位。有兴趣加入文具行业的贵客可直接来店面洽谈。量大从优。 厂家直销各学生文化用品,代理迪斯尼系列学生文具,西瓜太郎品牌。韩国文具,新奇特产品,创思,爱华,笔袋,等品牌。可来样订做。订做铅笔,尺子橡皮,笔袋等广告业务。可以定做客人的LOGO。产品种类齐全,款式精美。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。支持小额批发,支持混批。 电话:0579-85613490 传真:0579-85163103 实体店营业时间早上8点至下午5点 沟通从心开始!您的满意是我们永恒的追求! 支付方式:本店强烈建议使用支付宝支付方式,不能使用支付宝的请使用银行汇款,卡号如下: :1750784645 注明:批发 Store is located in zhejiang yiwu entity international trade mart H area connection ShangWei 23543 on the second floor of the body. Are interested in joining the stationery industry distinguished guest can be directly to the entity store negotiations. Quantity is with preferential treatment. Manufacturers selling each student culture supplies, agency Disney series students stationery, watermelon tai long brand. South Korea stationery, novel and special products, and think, love China, pen bag, brand. Be kind to build. Can be customized pencil and ruler rubber, pen bag advertising business. You can order the guests LOGO. Product type to be complete, exquisite style. Companies adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "customers first" principle to provide our clients with quality services. Support small wholesale, mixed group of support. Welcome your help! Phone: 0579-85163103 (not sincere not faze) The business entity shop time at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Communication from the heart beginning! Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit! Payment: we strongly recommended to use pay pay treasure, cannot use pay treasure of please use bank transfer, card number is as follows: