瑞安市众鑫包装机械厂是一家历史悠久、以科技为领先的印刷包装机械制造商,专业生产印刷包装及成套系列软包装相关设备。 公司自创办以来,一直 " 以质量赢信誉,以信誉创品牌,以品牌赢市场 " 的经营销售理念,狠抓企业内部管理及售后服务,注重科技进步和信息,在不断发展壮大自己的同时,又吸取了广大用户的合理建议,使自身产品不断改进创新,使其品质更加卓越,性能更加优越,结构更具人性化。 半自动派奇袋贴片制袋机
Ruian zhongxin packing machine factory is a leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of high-quality wide range of equipment for the flexible packaging printing and converting industries with long history. Our head office is located in Ruian City, Zhejiang province, where industrial growth is prominent and continually thriving. Jianshes spacious facility was designed to meet tremendous demand for our equipment while providing improved service to satisfy clients requirement. Meanwhile, in order to expand our export business and optimize service, we are planning open a subsidiary factory in Shanghai City where light industrial machinery and international port background is well known around world.