The Ab Wave is a great ab workout that you can do in a comfortable, seated position that is much more fun than crunches and leg raises.
Key Benefits and Features
Ab wave helps you fire your core like never before
From the Easy Slide and Glide movement to the Total Body Twist & Turn motion, your body will go from frumpy to fabulous
The Ab Wave incorporates movements that will rock your entire body and work your core, obliques, back, arms and legs
The AB Wave is uniquely designed to mimic the motion of a wave. This smooth, swaying movement directly targets the core muscles and can be used to work the arms and legs as well. The secret is the fast track technology that uses the swinging momentum of gravity. With a turn of a knob, one can also add a twist to the motion to increase the intensity of their oblique muscle workout.
Product FeaturesThe Ab Wave is a great ab workout that you can do in a comfortable, seated position thats much more fun than crunches and leg raises!Ab wave helps you fire your core like never before!From the Easy Slide and Glide movement to the Total Body Twist & Turn motion, your body will go from frumpy to fabulous!The Ab Wave incorporates movements that will rock your entire body and work your core, obliques, back, arms and legs!
Product DescriptionThe Ab Wave is a great ab workout that you can do in a comfortable, seated position thats much more fun than crunches and leg raises! Ab wave helps you fire your core like never before! From the Easy Slide and Glide movement to the Total Body Twist & Turn motion, your body will go from frumpy to fabulous! The Ab Wave incorporates movements that will rock your entire body and work your core, obliques, back, arms and legs!
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