主要规格如下:整冬笋:SS级,适合日本市场,18-25头/罐,2950克净重,新鲜原料一次装罐而成。对开竹笋:净重2950克x 6罐。每年三月开始采集从武夷山脉而来的冬笋原料,加工成冬笋S级,M级,L级以及冬笋对开。产品形体洁白如玉,美丽有光泽,清香爽口,销往世界各地,深受各大餐馆的喜爱。主要规格:1950*6对开 1950*6整只 L级 M级 S级电话:86 0793 5905025
传真:86 0793 5905038
Q Q: 350811800
Msn: vivian19840101@live.cn
Canned Mushroom in Water: Kind of mushroom: Whole, Piece Net weight and Drain weight: WholeNet Weight: 400g - Drain Weight 230g; Net Weight: 800g - Drain Weight 450 Net Weight: 2840g - Drain Weight1930g PieceNet Weight: 400g - Drain Weight 200g & 230g; Net Weight: 800g - Drain Weight 400g & 450g; Net Weight: 2840g - Drain Weight 1850g & 1930g;Mainly market: Europe, Middle East. Product Season: November.
江西柏林实业有限公司是一家专业生产罐头食品的全外销企业,成立于1996年,注册资金1400万元,旗下拥有2块农产品种植基地,2家工厂,其中在江西的蘑菇和竹笋基地均在100亩以上,位于甘肃的番茄制品加工厂日处理新鲜番茄1500吨,年出口番茄酱1万吨,公司年销售额在亿元以上。江西柏林实业有限公司是农业产业化龙头企业,罐头协会常务理事,(代号N5)工商局认定的“重合同、守信用”企业。公司所属的工厂通过ISO和HACCP认证,所生产的产品符合穆斯林清真食品的要求,多年来一直畅销于欧洲,美国,中东,和东南亚,近年来更是大力加强与非洲客户的合作。我们致力于控制产品的上游原材料,以避免原料食品被农药或者转基因原料污染,这也令我们的产品在提供了优异质量的同时具有强大的价格优势!让江西柏林实业生产的产品成为安全、卫生、优质美味食品的代名词是我们的目标,我们期待您加入我们的队伍,为我们共同的梦想而努力。英文详细说明:Jiangxi Bailin Industrial Co., Ltd., is a manufacturer specializing in the production of canned food of the whole export business, was founded in 1996 and a registered capital of 14, 000, 000 yuan, owns two agricultural plant base, two factories, one in Jiangxi base mushrooms and bamboo shoots in the 100 acres or more, located in Gansu day tomato processing plant treatment products 1500 tons of fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce annual export 10, 000 tons, the company with annual sales in the billion or more.Jiangxi Bailin Industrial Co., Ltd., are the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, canned Association, (codenamed N5) identified by the Trade and Industry Bureau "heavy contract, keep promise" enterprise. Company-owned factories in the adoption of ISO and HACCP certification, the production of halal food products meet the requirements of Muslims, has been selling in Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, in recent years is the strengthening of cooperation with African clients.Products we are committed to control the upstream raw materials, in order to avoid raw food has been genetically modified raw materials or pesticide pollution, which makes U. S. Products in the provision of excellent quality at the same time a strong price advantage!Let Jiangxi Berlin industrial products to become safe, healthy, delicious food synonymous with high quality is our goal, we look forward to you joining our team, for our common dreams and efforts.空罐图片:证书