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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » » 永美牌电子琴YM-6100教学电子琴61键多功能初学电子琴信息
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单 价: 1.00元/台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2024-09-19 18:05  有效期至:长期有效

61键标准琴键 8 首示范曲/点播、连播功能 16 种音色/10 种节奏/8 种打击乐器 32 级节奏速度/16 级音量可调 自动低音和弦/单指、多指和弦/同步功能 大规模集成电路/矩阵控制逻辑电路 回音/立体声/颤音/插进效果 外接耳机/双喇叭立体声输出 节奏编程/录音/放音 电源:DC12V 自动关机功能 规格:946×338×118(mm) 2 种教学模式 重量:5.08kg

创建于1989年,是集科研、生产、贸易于一体的多种经营的经济实体。它技术先进、设备齐全、实力雄厚,以效率高、信誉好伫立在市场经济大潮中。公司致力于开拓各种电子产品。公司所属的美声电子电器厂根据少年儿童年龄特点推出的永美牌系列电子琴(玩具型、娱乐型)、少儿智能学习型、健身琴(跳琴),是采用进口IC、精选国内外优质元器件研制而成,以款式新颖、音色优美、品种多样、质优价宜而博得广大客商和用户的好评。产品质量全部通过欧洲共同CE质量安全认证,并获得国家强制性产品认证(3C 认证)。造型获得中国专利局外观设计专利;其高档产品以思维特牌立式教学电子钢琴和以台式教学型61键电子琴为代表,是采用法国音源片,最新数码PCM采样音色,集数字化、智能化、网络化为一体,可演奏大型的结构复杂的乐曲,并可进行电脑音乐制作,是中外技术合作的结晶,实为当今电子时代的先驱。各种产品畅销全国各地及出口到亚洲、欧洲、非洲等八十多个国家和地区.

公司恪守"质量第一、用户第一、用户至上"的宗旨,竭诚为广大用户服务。除了自身产品之外, 本公司也会以OEM(来料加工)和ODM(定牌生产)的方式与业内同行合作。欢迎各界朋友真诚合作,共谋发展。如您想更多地了解永美实业有限公司及其所属企业的产品,请来函、来电、来人联系,您将得到满意的答复和热情的接待。YONGMEI Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd.was established in 1989, a multi-industry economic entity in combination with scientific research, manufacture and trade. High efficiency and good reputation with the backing of advanced technology, consummate facilities, and powerful capacity is the only talisman of the corporation to supersede all the rivals in fierce competition. The corporation has been engaged in developing various electronic products.Its subsidiary, MEISHENG Electrical and Electronic Appliance Factory, only believing in imported IC and domestic and foreign choice components, manufactures YONGMEI electronic keyboard series including keyboards of toy and entertainment types, intelligent learning keyboards and keyboards for keeping fit ( dancing keyboards) catering to different age groups of children and adolescents that are just to customers liking with their novelties, heavenly voices, varieties, and reasonable prices. Its high-class series---the culmination of Sino-foreign technological cooperation in digitization, intelligentization, and network generalization --is no less than pioneers of the electronics age today, especially, when it comes down to SIWEITE upright teaching digital piano and 61-key table type teaching keyboard, which are applied with France sound source and the latest digital PCM and FM sampling voice so as to make large-scale, complex performance as well as CAC (Computer Assisted Composition). All the products, sold to more than 80 countries and regions all over the world not to mention domestic markets, have been honoured with the CE Quality Security Certificate and National 3C Certificate (Country Compelling Products Certificate) as well as the Chinese Configuration Patent. "Superior Quality, High Reputation, and Customer Paramount!" is the tenet of the corporation. OEM and ODM cooperative efforts are also made with businesses in the same line with a view of joint development. Business, as were sure you realize, is a two way process and without a significant investment and attention from you, all our efforts will come to nothing. If you would like to get more information about YONGMEI Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd. and its products, please dont hesitate to contact us. Letters, phone calls, faxes, and business talks are absolutely available.
