【昌盛】供应 锰砂 优质锰砂 各种含量锰砂使用方法
于水的天然锰矿砂。经水洗打磨除杂、破碎、干燥、磁选、筛分、除尘等工艺加工成砂。再把加工好的锰砂按一定的级配调合而成。它具有水处理滤料最理想的级配比例,使它在单位体积内有最大的比表面积、最强的截污能力、最大的氧化催化作用和最小的反冲洗流失率。 锰砂滤料外观黑褐色,近圆形,主要成份是二氧化锰,含量在35%-45%之间。 采用锰砂滤料处理地下水,工艺简单,操作方便,工程造价低,长效稳定,服务周期在5年以上,易于管理,不填加任何化学药剂即可达到去除水中铁、锰、砷等有害物质的目的,水质完全达到国家饮用水标准,是非常好的地下水处理滤料。
密度2.66g/cm3 破碎率≤1.0%
堆密度1.85 g/cm3 磨损率≤1.0%
含泥量≤ 2.5% MnO2 30-40%
Manganese sand:
Manganese sand filter is made of high quality natural manganese ore processing, the appearance of a brown, for groundwater in addition to iron, and manganese filter has a unique effect.
Manganese sand filter is used domestic high-quality manganese placer, grain density, high mechanical strength, strong chemical activity, not easily broken, insoluble
In water natural manganese ore. After washing, drying, crushing grinding impurity, magnetic separation, screening, dust and other processing into sand. The processing of manganese sand according to certain gradation are mixed into. It has a water treatment filter ideal gradation proportion, make it in unit volume has the largest surface area, most of the sewage interception capacity, maximal oxidative catalysis and minimal backwash erosion rate. Manganese sand filter looks dark brown, nearly circular, main component is manganese dioxide content of between 35%-45%. The manganese sand filter for groundwater treatment, has the advantages of simple process, convenient operation, low cost, long term stability, service period in more than 5 years, easy to manage, do not add any chemical medicament to remove water iron, manganese, arsenic and other harmful substances, quality fully meet the national drinking water standards, is a very good groundwater filter material.
Manganese sand physicochemical index:
Analysis project test data analysis project test data
The density of 2.66g/cm3 broken rate≤1%
Bunch density 1.85 g/cm3 abrasion rate≤1%
Mud content≤2.5% MnO2 30-40%
Application of manganese sand:
Natural manganese sand is a strong oxidizing agent, water price to two from the oxidation of iron, commonly used in drinking water in addition to iron and manganese removal filtration device, removing iron and manganese from groundwater purification of water use.
Matters needing attention in using manganese sand:
Manganese sand s use of the term, of iron containing high concentrations of groundwater is generally 3~5 years, of iron containing low concentration groundwater, longer service life, some more than ten years. In some natural manganese sand filter, manganese sand filter layer is gradually forming globose " rust sand ", " rust sand " surface has a layer of " active membrane ", still have a catalytic iron removal ability, therefore, forms the " iron ", is not the natural manganese sand failure sign. When the " rust " grow up in sand filter media size too rough and effects of iron removal effect, it is necessary to replace part of filter material. So, in our construction process should pay attention to whether there is a " rust sand " exist, if some words must discern " rust sand ", if it is small size, can continue to use, we can reduce the industrial cost, if it is a large size, will be replaced, so as not to affect the filtering water quality.