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单 价: 面议 
供货总量: 1000000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2025-02-12 19:05  有效期至:长期有效

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上海市奉贤区施杰制球厂(原为上海晓春制球有限公司)是一家专业生产塑料制品中,儿童玩具为主的民营企业,拥有15年制球历史的企业。公司坐落于上海浦东临港东开发区内。本公司生产的PVC系列各种玩具球、健身球(瑜伽球),除畅销国内各市场外,远销美国、加拿大、西班牙、南美、西欧、俄罗斯、日本、韩国和中东地区。• 公司凭借雄厚的技术力量和多年的行业行销经验,通过完善周到的人性化服务,依托新颖时尚的创造性设计,遵循质量上乘的产品制作理念,所有产品均能通过CE环保标准和EN71标准,在本行业中已取得了良好的口碑并赢得许多家国内外知名企业的青睐;现已成为多个知名品牌厂商的指定广告玩具供应商。• 为了顺应市场发展保持竞争优势,我们一直秉承”诚信为本,实现共赢“的理念,准确把握客户的要求,强化快捷的工作效率,不懈的追求创新。实行周到细致的客户服务,不断壮大公司的实力,努力争取在同行业中取得更加卓著的业绩。• 本公司宗旨:质量为本,信誉至上。赢得中外客商的一致认可。本公司是唯一一家在义乌国际商贸城拥有自产自销商铺的企业。• 我们热诚欢迎国内外新老客商朋友莅临我司参观洽谈,携手共进,共创辉煌!• FengXian district of ShangHai ShiJie Bell Factory(Preexistence is ShangHai XiaoChun Ball Manfacture Co.,LTD) is a professional production of plastic products, Childrens toys private enterprise,We have 15 years history of balls manufacturing experience.It is located in lingang Development Area,Pudong,ShangHai,China.The PVC series of different toy balls,Body-exercising balls produced by our company not only sell well in different markets in nation,but also sell far to America,Canada,Spain,South America,West Europe,Russia,Japan,Korea and Middle East.• Company With many years of industry experience in marketing,through complete and thoughtful personalized service,relying on new and innovative fashion design,follow the concept of quaality of products produced in this industry has gained good reputation and win the favor of many well-known enterprises at home and abroad;now olso become a more well-known brand manufacturers specify ad toy suppliers.• The light of market development,and maintain acompetitive advantage;the face of fierce market competition,We have been adhering to the "faith-based,to achieve win-win"concept,accurately grasp the clients needs and enhance the efficiency of fast and continue to strengthen the spirit of innovation.Careful implementation of customer service,growing the companys strengths,striving to achieve more in the same industry,Outstanding performance.At the same time warmly .

• The tenet of our company is that"Quality is the base,and credit standing is utmost ",And we are consistent recognized by all the clients home and abroad.And our company is the only one that have the booth of "Produce by ourselves and sell by ourselves"in YiWu International Trade City.• Welcome new and old customers to visit friends for coming to my Secretary to negotiate,work together to create brilliant.
