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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » » 天线报警门安全门检测门射频防盗系统信息
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单 价: 面议 
供货总量: 500 支
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2024-09-02 03:05  有效期至:长期有效

规格:166cm*32cm重量:7kg材料:不锈钢性能特点:理想电磁场环境下软标签门距:0.8—1.2米理想电磁场环境下硬标签门距:1.1—1.4米1. PIT检测技术:通过数字梳状滤波器提取淹没在噪音式的响应信号,比普通产品多出20厘米检测宽度。大大提高系统检测率。2. 软硬标签运算法选择有效区分。3. 身份识别码技术:在发射调制中编辑身份信息识别码。不同于传统意义上跳频。4. 先进的脉冲AGC技术。5. 同时双甄别AGC适应能力更强。6. 主要功能由单片机及智能应用软件控制。7. LED多功能全流程显示技术。8. 采用最先进的数字信号处理技术,自动增益控制功能,从而达到免调试。9. 适应性强、灵敏度高、响应速度快、抗干扰能力更强。10. 具备电源功耗低、安装调试简单、检测通道更宽,检测率更高、误报率极低等特点。 该款检测天线代表国内一流射频技术,适用于对防盗系统品质要求相当严格的各大商家卖场,外观细腻稳健,大气贵重,性价比相当优异,适用客户范围很广,超市、广场、量贩店、服饰鞋类店、药品连锁店等各类商家来说都是最佳的选择。

Specification: 166 cm * 32 cmWeight: kgMaterials: stainless steelProperties:Ideal electromagnetic field environment soft label from the door: 0.8, 1.2 metersIdeal electromagnetic field environment from hard label door: 1.1, 1.4 meters1. The PIT testing technology: through the digital comb filter is submerged in the noise of the extraction of the response signal, than common products than the 20 cm width detection. Greatly improve the system detection rate.2. Soft and hard label operation method effective choice.3. Pin technology: in the launch modulation edit identity information identification number. Different from the traditional sense frequency hopping.4. Advanced pulse AGC technology.5. Also double identify AGC stronger ability to adapt.6. The main function and application of microcomputer intelligent control software.

7. The display technology LED multi-function process.8. Use the most advanced digital signal processing technology, automatic gain control function, so as to achieve free debugging.9. Adaptable, high sensitivity, fast response, anti-interference ability stronger.10. Have the power low power consumption, installation and debugging of simple, testing channel more wide, detection rates higher, distorting rate is extremely low characteristic.The measuring antenna represents the domestic first-class rf technology, applicable to guard against theft system quality request very strict major businesses stores, appearance is exquisite robust, atmospheric precious, outstanding performance to price ratio, it is suitable for a wide range of customers, supermarket, square, stores, dress shoes shop, pharmacy chains and other kinds of businesses to is the best choice.
