泰国南胶有限公司Num Rubber & Latex Co.,Ltd.
创立于1986年,工厂位于泰国南部董里府,泰国种植第一棵橡胶树的地方。办公中心位于泰国的首都——曼谷。我公司已获得德国ISO9001:2000及ISO9001:2008质量体系认证,是一家专门生产高质量的60%高氨、低氨浓缩天然乳胶和胶青颗粒胶(SKIM BLOCK)的生产加工企业 ,年产量30,000多吨。我公司生产的浓缩乳胶可用于生产乳胶寝具、手套、指套、避孕套、气球、乳胶发泡海绵、橡胶粘合剂等乳胶制品。目前,我们的顾客有Top Glove Shd. Bhd., Supermax Glove Manufacturing Shd. Bhd., Kossan Rubber Industries Berhad, Rubberflex Shd. Bhd., Dunlopillo,Nike , Adidas等国际知名企业。
QUALITY IS OUR HIGHEST PRIORITY.With more than 17 years experience in producing latex concentrate, we have been given quality and ontime delivery as highest priorities to meet international standards. To make sure that customers receiving high quality product, company set quality parameters much higher than the specification required by ISO 2004: 1997(E). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||