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冰垫 夏季清凉用品 宠物冰垫信息

单价: 18.00元/个
起订: 1000 个
供货总量: 100000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  吴小姐 女士 (.)    联系通话 询价




一、该产品可直接使用,不用电,也不用任何预先降温!降温效果非常明显,坐卧数秒钟就能使人体感觉到清凉舒适,既让人透心的凉爽又不觉得冷。 二、对消除疲劳、清神醒目、集中注意力具有良好的效果。。 三、美观耐用,该产品规格多样,设计独特,耐压200公斤不破裂,不泄漏,美观大方,坐卧舒适,方便携带。 四、环保,对人体没有任何副作用,具有SGS和MSDS认证,可反复使用三年以上而长期保持凉爽。2、制冷材料 高分子内填充材料,能保持8-10小时恒温。3、使用方法 恒温时间在6-8小时,伴您度过一个清凉愉快的夏天。在绝大部分地区无需冰箱,当室温到27摄氏度以下时,自动放热。如果在某些炎热地区,夜晚室温始终在27摄氏度以上,请采用凉水浸泡或冰箱冷却。本产品已做防水处理,从水中拿出后,擦干即可使用。 由于本冰垫温度设定在30摄氏度,人体直接接触感觉清凉,但又不会因为长时间使用而让人着凉、感冒。老人、婴幼儿及身体虚弱者使用时请再铺上一层棉布。4、注意事项 此垫不怕压,但是请注意不要用尖锐物体刺伤产品表面,不要在太阳下暴晒

It's a pad that cools you down. It uses aunique heat transfer system to draw heat from your body, giving you that"open refrigerator door" effect without the environmental impact ofusing electricity, refrigeration or batteries.

The Cool Pad's cooling crystals absorb heat through conduction and convection,maximizing the heat exchanged between the Cool Pad and your body. The coolingcrystals absorb heat when in use and release it when it is stored at roomtemperature, ready to use once again to provide their cooling effect.

Its top layer is an aerated nylon fabric that is durable, lightweight andbreathable allowing maximum air flow. The cooling crystals rest on top of athick layer of memory foam to ensure comfort wherever you take it with you.It's the perfect summer accessory for those of us that don't deal well with theheat and that goes for pets too!

--Easy to use, just put it on a sheetor pillow!

Just put the mat on a sheet orpillow, you can feel cool immediately.

--No need to be worried about uneven distributionof the gel inside!

Due to the unique and utilitymodel right obtained design. Every part of the fabric is attached evenly toprevent the gel from moving inside, and cooling is uniform.

--Safe, environmentally friendly!

---Energy saving, maintenance free and norunning costs!

上海冰帆实业有限公司是一 家致力于冷热敷技术研制与开发的高科技企业。公司涉及产品的研制、开发、生产和销售等各个工作环节 。凭借技术、销售等全体员工的努力打拼,公司成功向国内外客户提供了大量的产品。如:低温冰袋,保 冷剂,冰盒,蓝冰,头带,眼罩,面罩,一次性冰袋,一次性热袋,红酒冰袋,可乐冰袋,冷冻液,降温 围巾,冰垫宠物冰垫等。




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