2、【产品款式】38*20*35CM小号 放6支香槟
3、【产品款式】78*35*35CM 大号 放12只香槟
描述:The multi-color LED ice bucket. It can be used in a single static (fixed) color or simply press the remote control to produce color changing effects.全彩LED的冰桶。它可以被使用在一个单一的静态(固定的)颜色或只要按下按键产生颜色变化的影响。Descripttion:This light weight sturdy plastic gadget is a great “mood” Color Changing Ice Bucket that will compliment any atmosphere.这重量轻坚固的塑料配件是一个伟大的“意境”冰桶,将颜色改变恭维任何的氛围。With a simple click of a button you can choose what color you would like to illuminate the entire LED Ice Bucket or you have the option of a multi-color light show.
用一个简单的点击一个按钮你可以选择你想要什么颜色的照亮整个LED冰桶,或者你可以选择一个多彩光显示。Looks terrific when filled with ice and a bottle of wine and displayed in low light and you can use it indoor or outdoor.看起来棒极了装满冰和一瓶葡萄酒和显示,在低亮度和你可以用它室内或室外。
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