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PIO-821L CR信息

单价: 99999999.99元/
起订: 1
供货总量: 123
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  倪泽波 先生 (销售员)    联系通话 询价


产品详细说明:PIO-821L 16/8路45kHz低增益12位A/D,1路12位D/A,DI*16,DO*16•The maximum sampling rate of the A/D converter is about 45K samples/sec.•Software selectable input ranges.•PC/AT compatible PCI bus.•A/D trigger mode: software trigger, pacer trigger, external trigger.•The maximum sampling rate of the A/D converter is about 45K samples/sec.•Software selectable input ranges.•PC/AT compatible PCI bus.•A/D trigger mode: software trigger, pacer trigger, external trigger.PIO-821L 45 kS/s Low gain 12-bit,16-channel input, 1-channel D/A, Digital I/O board. CA-2010 20-pin flat cable,1 M CA-2020 20-pin flat cable 2 M CA-3710 DB-37 Male-Male D-sub cable 1 M (Cable for Daughter Board(45°))


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