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单价: 850.00元/张
起订: 15 张
供货总量: 2000 张
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  莫先生 先生 (业务代表)    联系通话 询价



玻璃钢家具-酒店椅子-半球椅,半圆球椅(Half Dome Chair)是芬兰的设计师Aarnio 根据球的形状而设计的一款具有时代性与时尚性的一款椅子。 名稱:半球椅/Eero Aarnio Half Dome chair材质:出口级别玻璃钢产品规格:L850mm*D850mm*H660mm 设计师:Eero Aarnio(芬兰)Eero Aarnio 1932 年生于芬兰,于 1954 年至 1957 年求学赫尔辛基的 Institute of Industrial Arts,并在 1962 年成立个人工作室,从事室内设计与工业设计。 他的许多作品享誉全球的国际知名度,并获得许多工业设计奖项。例如,他在 1963 年设计了著名的 Ball Chair,这是张以玻璃纤维制成的球形椅子;很快地这张椅子被大量地制造生产。而玻璃纤维,成为 Aarnio 设计时最喜欢使用的素材。其它代表作品还包括有糖果椅(Pastil Chair)、蕃茄椅(Tomoto Chair)和极富未来感的泡泡椅(Bubble Chair),是波普风格爱好者不可不知的设计大师之一.Designer Eero Aarnio Born in 1932, he is a Finnish interior designer, well known for his innovative furniture designs in the 1960s, notably his plastic and fiberglass chairs. Aarnio studied at the Institute of Industrial Arts in Helsinki, and started his own office in 1962. The following year he introduced his Ball Chair, a hollow sphere on a stand, open on one side to allow a person to sit within. The similar Bubble Chair was clear and suspended from above. Other innovative designs included his floating Pastil Chair (similar to a solid inner tube), and Tomato Chair (more stable with a seat between three spheres). His Screw Table, as the name suggests, had the appearance of a flat head screw driven into the ground. Aarnio's designs were an important aspect of 1960's popular culture, and could often be seen as part of sets in period science-fiction films. Because his designs used very simple geometric forms, they were ideal for such productions. Aarnio is still active in creating new designs and, while he has also worked with more traditional materials like wood and steel during his long career, he still mainly draws products that follow his distinct style of playful shapes and colors only manufacturable in plastic.







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