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单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 100
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  kang 先生 (推广部)    联系通话 询价



该虹膜考勤机具有全脱机功能,无需任何网络支持,并且是单镜头双眼采集,识别率更快、采集容量更大、完全达到门禁功能。性能优于国内其他厂家生产的产品,是目前性价比最高的产品。该虹膜考勤机应用领域:矿区、工地、普通单位、考勤、小区门禁等。注:可根据客户要求定制。IntroductionThis product has the function of offline operation and requires no internet support. Moreover, the product uses single lens to capture the images of two eyes, and with a faster recognition speed and a larger capture capacity, has acquired the funcion of access control. The product is superior in terms of performance to the products made by other manufacturers in China, and is most cost-effective.Applied in mines, construction sites, common units, attendance and access control of communities.Note: the product can be customized according to the customer demands.技术参数(Technical Parameters)
接口/Interface韦根26/34 RS485/RJ45
使用方式/Image Size壁挂式
注册时间/Registration Time双目≤5s
识别时间/Recognition Time单目<30ms(戴眼镜<5s)
工作温度/Working Temperature-20℃~40℃
工作距离/Working Distance240~290mm
环境光强/Ambient Light0~5000Lux
图像大小/Image Size1024×1280
净重/Net weight3Kg
毛重/Gross Weight3.2Kg
精确度/AccuracyFAR<0.0000001% FRR<0.1% 戴眼镜FRR<3%
认证方式/Authentication mode双眼
外壳材料/Shell material金属
虹膜特征数据存储容量/Iris features data storage capacity1.2万~10万个虹膜特征数据
眼睛角度/Eye Angle俯仰旋转≤45°
环境湿度/Ambient Humidity0%~90%
操作提示/Operation Tips语音向导光学引导
工作电压/Working VoltageDC+12V
产品尺寸/Product Size300mm×390mm×75mm
包装尺寸/Packing Size310mm×400mm×90mm
照明方式/Lighting Method红外照明符合ANSI/IEC60825-1安全标准
峰值电流/Peak Current≤400mA
日志容量/Log volume5万~100万条日志记录,
加电或复位启动时间/Power on or reset start time小于3秒(包括自检时间)
符合标准/Meeting Standards国际标准ISO/IEC19794-6:2005
其他说明/Other notes分单镜头及双镜头两款产品,带7寸触摸屏显示功能与3G结合传输数据


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