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云南出品ACAI BERRY ABC巴西莓,热销世界的最好减信息

单价: 80.00元/
起订: 3
供货总量: 10000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  赵小姐 女士 (销售总监)    联系通话 询价



ABC(Acai Berry capsule)——巴西莓胶囊,世界上最新最健康的减肥产品,世界上唯一一款既可以减肥又抗衰老的产品,世界卫生组织强烈推荐的美容减肥保健抗癌产品。 ABC(Acai Berry capsule)——巴西莓胶囊,提取自亚马逊雨林的生命树之果-巴西莓BrazilianAcai,一个真正为您带来健康的纯绿色减肥产品,一个真正为您带来美丽、让您容颜永驻的产品,一个真正为您抵抗疾病让您享受生命之乐的产品。如果你想快速绿色健康减肥,那么没有比巴西莓更好的东西了。它提供了你身体需要的重要矿物元素和维生素,健康的Omega脂肪酸,以及超过蓝莓(Blue Berry)五倍多的抗氧化剂。由于富含良好的营养物质,所以它能帮助你的身体保持健康,同时有益于减肥。巴西苺胶囊是一个超级的减肥产品,利用巴西莓的高抗氧化剂与健康的氨基酸组合,巴西莓胶囊能增强您的新陈代谢,帮助您的身体功能更有效地运行。根据生物学家和营养学家的研究:除了减肥的功效,巴西莓含的抗氧化成分比蓝莓多一倍,亦含有水果中极少有的脂肪酸(OMEGA6、OMEGA8),还有纤维、钙和其他维他命,但卡路里低,除了防癌(特别是血癌)功效,还有抗衰老和有助增强性欲!

配料:巴西莓提取物、库拉索芦荟、甲壳素、膳食纤维、藤黄果提取物、银杏、绿茶提取物适宜人群:顽固型肥胖及反复减肥无效者。18-65岁男性和女性均可服用。主要功能:快速减肥、排出毒素、紧致皮肤、延缓衰老。服用方法:每日一次,每次一粒规格:500mg * 30粒装保质期:二年注意事项:孕妇、严重性疾病患者、心血管患者慎用巴西莓 古代的玛雅人将巴西莓奉为神果,具有最丰富的营养,是世界上营养价值最高最珍奇的野生水果之一,是世界上最具营养和功效的的食物。巴西莓的六大功效:控制食欲、增强新陈代谢、排油促进消解、抗衰老、排毒祛斑养颜、提高免疫力抵抗癌症。

acai berry abc100%pure pietary supplementsenhanced formula

ABC acai berry soft gel

Spec:500mg*30pcsBrand:ABCMOQ: 100 bottles

ABC acai berry soft gel is the strong enhanced formula of the original ABC acai berry capsules, which take advantage of the advanced herbal slimming soft gel and enable all-around enhancement of weight loss performance.

Losing 40 lbs in 4 weeks is no wonder from here!

Main features:Preserve the legacy of the original ABC acai berry capsulesStonger enhanced herbal slimming soft gelNo side effects BUT Better performanceEnhanced anti-fake Tech--Laser mark ABC on each soft gel

Specification: 500mgx30soft gelUsage & Dosage: once a day, one capsule per timeProprietary Blend: Acai berry, aloe, Chitosan, Garcinia Cambogia, Dietary Fiber, Green Tea

The nutrients that the Acai Berry contains will not only help you lose weight, but it will also help you gain the energy that you need in order to work out regularly.

Weight loss and energy boost with the Acai Berry! It can’t get much better than that, can it?

ABC acai berry soft gel is the strong enhanced formula of the original ABC acai berry capsules, which take advantage of the advanced herbal slimming soft gel and enable all-around enhancement of weight loss performance.

Benefits Of Acai BerryThis is why Acai berries are called a Super Food. It's 100% natural and the benefits will help you lose weight and develop higher overall health. It can even help you live longer and boost energy.

1.Boosts energy levels2.Improves digestive function3.Improves mental clarity/focus4.Promotes sound sleep5.Provides all vital vitamins6.Contains several important minerals7.Acai has very high levels of fibers8.Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins9.Strengthens your immune system10.Enhances sexual desire and performance11.Fights cancerous cells12.Slows down the aging process13.Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin14.Alleviates diabetes15.Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels16.Helps maintain healthy heart function17.Minimizes inflammation18.Improves circulation19.Prevents atherosclerosis20.Enhances visual acuityLosing 40 lbs in 4 weeks is no wonder from here!IMPORTANCE: All Genuine ABC acai berry soft gels are with laser mark?ABC on each soft gel. Please consult us before taking any?ABC acai berry soft gel?with no this anti-fake laser mark in sake of safeguarding of


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