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单价: 1.00元/盒
供货总量: 1000 盒
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 中国 北京
  贾玉莲 女士 ()    联系通话 询价


产品详细说明:本品由美国库拉萦芦荟,青阳参,多种氨基酸等多种成份精致而成,经功能学试验证明本品具有改善胃肠功能,润肠通便,排毒养颜的功效。The article made from American kula aloe ,qingyang panax,multi-aminophenol and lots of diaphanous elements etc.according to the functions test proved that the article can improve gastroenteric’s function, relieving constipation with laxatives, clean out the poison and keep pretty etc.本品为浓缩型芦荟产品,具有以下特点:促进大肠蠕动,泻火通便,排除体内毒素;缓解色素沉着症状,祛除青春痘,解除暗疮;调节内分泌,调理肠胃,滋润肌肤,使肌肤靓丽,富有弹性。是现代人润肠排毒养颜常备的健康美容食品。

The article is a concentrated aloe production, it have the following features for example: to strike large intestine wrigging movement, Inducing catharsis and purgative , eliminate waste material from the body , reduce patches of pigmentation on the face,remove pimple,adjust endocrine system, adjust gastroenteric’s function ,moisten skin,let the skin more beautiful and have springiness,it’s a health food for modern.


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